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5 barriers to avoid

Understanding the recruitment landscape takes time and effort, something we enjoy doing as we are passionate about helping you achieve your dream, however there are some fundamental mistakes that could hinder your opportunities which include;

1 Letting your parents or coaches do everything.

Demonstrating that you can be the lead person, contact point and take responsibility for tasks is one of the characteristics coaches look for in a recruit. This is to see if you have the maturity to do well in college with out having someone to do things for you. Part of your process in proper planning and research would include asking experienced people for guidance such as credible consultants, however its up to you to be motivated and inspired to do the work as well.

2 Online social brand is not thoughtful.

How you present yourself in the offline world needs to also represent who you are in the online world. Coaches can gain many insights as to who you are as a person, your character and integrity can all be on display. Coaches are after people that are thoughtful, have integrity and present themselves well online.

3 Video not showing you holistically.

This can be an expensive investment or created via your own device. What coaches are looking for is a clear view of your skills technically, in match play and also how you communicate verbally. Avoid. loud music and aspects that do not give a good view of your skills. In general they want to see all angles, your behaviour in match play, your errors and also to be able to hear you hit the ball. Planning a good reel takes prior planning and can be done on a variety of budgets.

4 Waiting to be found

You are the product that needs to connect with the right buyer. Finding the right buyer takes planning and research as to how the best way to reach them. There is an art and science into how to be recognised by understanding the market and landscape. Knowing all of the aspects of what college coaches are seeking in a great recruit is required and then comes back to how you present yourself.

5 Academics are important

The earlier you understand your academic performance from year 9 onward is important the better. Academic performance can help a coach determine which bucket of money they can access to recruit you. The coach has a few channels to draw upon and also the coach is measured in their role on their teams academic performance.

As we have indicated the landscape is changing rapidly, therefore understanding how to navigate avoiding the barriers will help you get closer to your goal!

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