How we unlock your opportunities...
Each Premium Pathway is tailored to your own specifics covering core areas including:
Getting Started
We begin with a discussion about to simplify the complex landscape including our 5 key elements and signing with ASP.
Pre Planning
Making it happen
We contact suitable programs and make warm introductions to coaches whilst providing you with all the support you need.
Developing your plan
After signing with ASP, we commence mapping your personal pathway which includes research and branding.
Doing it right
We ensure you have all the necessary paperwork in place, including admissions, eligibility, offers and visas
Our curriculum
Each of the core areas are underpinned by our curriculum which we have developed into learning modules. Our Premium Pathway clients are personally assisted with our learning modules, gaining access to our guides and templates as the pathway progresses.
Our clients
Student Athletes
We help high school students who are also athletes from an early age be ready to go to a USA College that is the right fit. Our process starts from year 9 until year 12.
We help the parents and guardians of the student athletes to navigate the pathway and help them understand where their student athlete is best suited and how much it may cost.
We build and maintain relationships with USA College Coaches to help them connect to our recruits with confidence knowing that they are well prepared for any introductions.
Success factors include:
Willingness to communicate and connect in series of collaborative meetings (Face to face, virtual, messaging)
A commitment to follow a calendar of tasks.
Dedication to complete actions and steps with our help.
An open and adaptive mindset
A curiosity for learning.
With proven results you will collaborate with experts and be supported throughout each step to unlock personalised opportunities. This takes the stress away making the process seamless and easy to follow.
We consistently keep abreast of the USA College Landscape along with emerging other pathway opportunities by researching and connecting with a diverse range of information sources, this saves you time and effort with having to keep across the complexities.
Aligned with our experience and proven results. We know that our knowledge will be valuable to you and our fee is based on our dedicated time and effort required to unlock credible opportunities for you.